Ecclesiastes 10:12
12 Words from the mouth of the wise are gracious, but fools are consumed by their own lips.
Professional basketball, football, hockey, baseball, tennis and boxing had become multi-billion dollar enterprises; and they have prospered professional players to millionaires. In the midst of struggles, frustrations and confusions of social injustices, many rich players cannot stay silent any longer. They voice out their opinions publicly, and without any consideration of the after effect to subscribers, the media quickly publish anything that popular players would say. While opinions of popular players may amplify the situation they engage in, unintelligible fanatics would readily subscribe to whatever may excite them.
Precious and valuable stones are rare and hard to find; ordinary and worthless stones are easy to find. But, both precious and ordinary stones have essential usage. And, there are wise and foolish individuals anywhere who may readily express their opinions; and, what we spend time listening to, may practically show, if we are considered wise or otherwise.
When the Lord commanded Moses to build the Tabernacle, he also informed him in Exodus 31:2-3, 2See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 3 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills.
The Lord had chosen Bezalel as the person-in-charge of making the precious articles that had been used inside the Tabernacle. He was filled with the Holy Spirit of God, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and skills required to accomplish projects assigned to him.
Can you accept that the Holy Spirit of God can give you skillful ability to excel in your chosen career? Can you accept that the Lord can easily advance your current situation to favor you? If you sense hesitation or doubt, pray that God would give you faith to trust him more, and pray to be filled with his Holy Spirit. May God bless you exceedingly!
Lord Jesus, increase my faith and fill me with the Holy Spirit.
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