Sad You See

Acts 23:6-11 

Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, “My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead.” When he said this, a dispute broke out between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided. (The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees believe all these things.) There was a great uproar, and some of the teachers of the law who were Pharisees stood up and argued vigorously. “We find nothing wrong with this man,” they said. “What if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?” 10 The dispute became so violent that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces by them. He ordered the troops to go down and take him away from them by force and bring him into the barracks. 11 The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”


A pair of sandal should be very comfortable to wear in summer. Sandals, however, invites pebbles to slip underfoot, and it’s uncomfortable, right?

There will always be uncomfortable experiences in this life. Like a small pebble can make walking uncomfortable, problems or concerns, however small they are, can make life distressing or unpleasant.

God has intelligently designed life to have ups and downs, pleasant and unpleasant exposure until we attain the fullness of Christ. In Ephesians 4:11-13, 11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.


Church life has dramatic episodes. The goal of church life is to mature spiritually and become more like Christ. It is an undeniable challenge to attain unity in faith and in the knowledge of Christ. Doctrinal differences are an intriguing factor on the diversity of church people. Doctrinal background influences how a person acts and makes decisions.

The Pharisees and Sadducees differ in their belief. The Pharisees agreed with Paul.

1.  Agree

Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, “My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead.”  When he said this, a dispute broke out between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided.  (The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits, but the Pharisees believe all these things.)

At first the Sanhedrin were united to charge Paul. Paul was trying to help every Jewish person to be saved but they just did not get his sincerity to help them find eternal life. His testimony could not move their calloused heart to believe in Christ.

The Sadducees did not pay attention to what Paul was saying because they never believe in eternal life. They also did not believe that Paul was chosen by the Lord to preach about the good news. Their reaction and response to the message of Paul remind us of church-goers who find it hard to believe that God speaks through preachers, also.

Religious people like Sadducees would not keep silent but violently react when a sermon touches their favorite sin. God’s word attracts negative and positive responses.

The Pharisees have agreed with Paul at that time. The Pharisees can be very dogmatic and fanatical in their teachings but they believe in the resurrection and angels.

There was a great uproar, and some of the teachers of the law who were Pharisees stood up and argued vigorously. “We find nothing wrong with this man,” they said. “What if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?”  

Did the Pharisees give Paul the benefit of the doubt? They argued passionately to convince the Sadducees that resurrection, angels, and the last things are real. Of course, Sadducees strongly disagreed. The passage says that there was a great uproar which can be understood as loud screaming, shouting, clamoring, or cry among the Sanhedrin.

Matthew 10:34, 34“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

When the word of God is preached, there will be agreement and disagreement. We need to pray more sincerely. We cannot avoid it. We welcome people to join the church including those who have different doctrinal leaning. Eventually those who are not called to become disciples of Christ will turn their back on the Lord, eventually.

 The Bread of Life

In John 6:53-56, 63-66, 53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them…. 63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit and life. 64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him. 65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”

66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

The Lord Jesus never tried to appease those who were disgruntled. He let them go away. The Lord is compassionate but did not force anyone to follow Him? Those who quit on Him, He let them go away. The Lord has been very tough on His disciples. He said to them multiple times, “You of little faith!” [Matt 8:26]. At one time, He said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan!” [Matt. 16:23]. The disciples could have been insulted but they keep on following and serving the Lord because they were genuine disciples.

Doctrinal beliefs should enhance spiritual growth. Doctrinal issues and differences should be factors to learn from each other. Disagreement in doctrinal belief should not be a reason to hate but inspire deeper research or exploration of the truth.

2.  Disagree

10 The dispute became so violent that the commander was afraid Paul would be torn to pieces by them. He ordered the troops to go down and take him away from them by force and bring him into the barracks.

Once again, the Lord displayed his grace in the life of Paul. Paul’s mission adventure has been action-packed dramatically. The commander secured Paul’s safety. He was very concerned that Paul might be hurt or even killed.

Here is a life example that should inspire us to keep sharing the good news and not to worry of what might happen to us. The Lord is faithful. He enables us to complete the task He has given us. What is your mission that the Lord has given you?


Peter and the other Apostles were testifying before the Sanhedrin. In Acts 5:33-39, 33 When they heard this, they were furious and wanted to put them to death. 34 But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. 35 Then he addressed the Sanhedrin: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. 36 Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. 37 After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. 38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

Gamaliel was a well-respected elder. Gamaliel used his influence to help the people be focused to the will of God instead of their personal agenda. Our church needs more elders that the people would listen to. Gamaliel was not a member of the Sanhedrin at that time but he did what was expected being one of whom the people would listen to.

Paul was an apostle to the gentiles. In our generation, missionaries have similar responsibilities to the apostles. The word apostle comes from Greek word apostolos which means the messengers or sent ones. The mission of Paul was to bring the gospel to the Gentiles. Our mission is related to our spiritual gifts. What’s your spiritual gift/s?

11 The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”

The Lord made it very clear to Paul that he will go to Rome. There were many challenges that came to Paul’s mission journey, and eventually, he reached Rome. According to historians Paul died in Rome—the end of his mission.

Paul planned to go to Spain but the Lord did not permit him to go.

In Romans 15:28, 28So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this contribution, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way.

Each of us has been given a particular task. Keep praying that you may realize sooner what God wanted you to be involved with. Are you called to be missionary, evangelist, pastor, teacher, or leader? Which area of the ministry God wanted you to participate?

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