What you asked

1. How can I receive the free gift of salvation?

a. Admit that you are sinner, repent and turn away from your sin;
b. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as God's Son and accept His forgiveness of sin;
c. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.

2. What are your requirements for membership?

You must have received already the free gift of salvation, at least eighteen years old, and must have stayed and serving God with our church for at least six months. Your must also subscribe to our church Statement of Faith, Constitution, and By-laws.

3. What are the different groups of your Sunday school?

For children - we have for toddlers, nurseries, kindergartens, primary, and grade schools; for youths - we have for pre-teens, teenagers, and career young people groups; for adults - we have for English class, adult classes in mixed Tagalog and English, class for young couples, and seniors class.

4. What are the different groups or fellowships of your church?

We have men's fellowship, women's fellowship, young people fellowship (pre-teens and teenagers), career young people fellowship, as well as seniors fellowship.

5. When do the different groups or fellowships meet?

For youth (YCSC and TFC) - every Friday at 7:00 pm; for CYP - every Sunday at 7:00 pm; for men's and women's fellowships - monthly; and for seniors - monthly also.

6. What attire you require for worship services?

We do not prescribe particular clothing to be worn during worship services but only those that can contribute and encourage true worship in God in spirit and truth.

7. What time do your worship services start?

For Sunday English worship, at 9:00 am; for Wednesday midweek service, at 7:00 pm.

8. Do you have shuttle service?

We do not have shuttle service yet but you can call us if you need a ride or be picked up from your residence.

9. What is the unique attribute of your church?

Our congregation was organized with only one purpose - to make disciples as mandated in Matthew 28:18-20.

10. Do you have any particular activities outside your church building?

Following the primary purpose of our church existence, we have short-term mission programs to various countries of the world involving direct participation of our members. We also hold family summer camping, youth camping, fishing fellowships, as well as congregational picnics to develop christian camaraderie among members.


who we areour missionwhat we believeour historywhat you askedour governance

Mission Statement