
Ecclesiastes 11:6

6Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.

If you grew up in a household of farmers, you were expected to help your parents in the farm. One experience I nostalgically reminisced was when my siblings and I helped our parents plant corns. A few decades ago, when we were younger, there was shortage of rice; corn then became our staple food for several years. A couple of times, I shared with my own family about such childhood experiences whenever we eat corn.

Farming or planting can drain physical energy, but there’s nothing to complain about when I look forward and anticipate a good harvest. Likewise, sowing righteousness or living in godly righteousness is not readily appreciated. It can be tiring if we do it alone; we cannot expect great harvest from it. We can hope for great harvest of righteousness only if we prayerfully rely upon the Lord to live in godly righteousness. How is that? We earnestly pray that his Holy Spirit fills and empowers us so that in all our plans, decisions and activities, we sense love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is wonderful experience; it assures us also that the seed of righteousness we planted will certainly produce great harvest in this world and in eternity.

The Pharisees were most righteous; but, Christ had warned in Matthew 15:13, 13Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.

Righteousness that originated from sinful human is not pleasant to God. Only righteousness inspired by the Holy Spirit will produce great harvest and will be rewarded.

 Lord Jesus, empower me to practice godly righteousness.

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