
Ecclesiastes 11:7

7Light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun.        

According to medical experts when a person is scared of darkness he may possibly have “Nyctophobia” or fear of darkness. He who has nyctophobia could be very anxious and depressed at night time or when the light is off for a longer time. But when the light is on, he feels secured and at peace.

In the beginning, after the Lord created heaven and earth, there was darkness; then, he created light. It says in Genesis 1:3-4, 3And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4God saw that the light was good.

God declared that the light was good; it must be absolutely true. Light is significantly useful in the life processes of plants and other living things. Fruit-bearing plants and trees have better fruits when they get much sunlight. The beauty of surrounding can be much better appreciated when there’s enough light. And, light is useful to determine which direction favors travelers better. The Lord Jesus Christ claimed in John 8:12, 12I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.

By faith, we put our trust in Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior; and, he freed us from the control of sin. We have to follow his godly instruction of righteous lifestyle so that sin cannot control us anymore. To be controlled by sin is compared to unsecured travel in the dark. To follow Christ is like secured travel with light. Walking in the dark is dangerous, depressing and lonely. In comparison, walking in the light opens unlimited fantastic choices of lifestyle. God has amazing purposes for each believer. By faith, we should ask our Lord Jesus Christ to guide and inspire us make firm decision to a righteous path of life that leads to his amazing purposes that he has already prepared for us, even before we started believing in him. Complete obedience to Christ is the only path to his amazing purposes for us; obedience to him is itself wonderful moment of experience, far better than we can ever imagine, think or explain.

  Lord Jesus, guide me to completely obey you, please.

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