Ministry Success

Acts 9:10-19 

10 In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, “Ananias!” “Yes, Lord,” he answered. 11 The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.” 13 “Lord,” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. 14 And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.” 15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

17 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, 19 and after taking some food, he regained his strength.

Text Message

Text messaging is supposed to be faster and more reliable way of sending message. Text messaging, with its latest fashion, made many text message senders becoming less proficient in word spelling. Text messaging discloses those who have no care about correct spelling, whatsoever.

During the old-fashioned telegram era, sending short cut messages was acceptable but correct spelling was still observed. These days, sending text messages is easier and cheaper. Many text message senders appear to be a little less concerned about clarity. Many text message senders don’t care much if their message is clearly understood or not. Many job applicants are turned down because they are careless about spelling and grammar.

But with God, He wants His messages to be clearly understood by the recipient. When the Lord speaks to believers, He makes it very clear; He wants us to get the picture. In Isaiah 50:5 it says… The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away.

When the Lord wants us to understand His message clearly He opens our ears. When God opens our ears, it results to our obedience to His instructions.

The Lord opened the ears of Ananias and he heard Christ’s commands very clearly. Because he heard the Lord clearly, Ananias obeyed the commands of the Lord, even if he considered Saul as dangerous person.

1. Command

10 In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, “Ananias!” “Yes, Lord,” he answered. 11 The Lord told him, “Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight.”

In a vision, the Lord called the attention of Ananias and instructed him of what to do. Ananias was not speculating; he was not guessing what the Lord wanted him to do. Ananias was very sure it was the Lord Jesus who commanded him to go to Saul.

Ananias clarified the situation and wanted to know if he heard the Lord command clearly. 13 “Lord,” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem. 14 And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.”

Bible students propose that Ananias was implying that he wanted to be very sure. It is something like: “Lord, did I hear it right? Is this the same man who was arresting believers?

Some scholars suggest that Anan1as was scared and was very hesitant to obey the Lord. It appears like Ananias was alarmed when the Lord told him to go and ask for Saul.

V.15 starts with the conjunction word “but” which implies assertion of what must be done.

15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.”

The Lord made it plain and simple to Ananias that He has chosen Saul to be His instrument. The Lord disclosed to Ananias that Saul will proclaim the Lord’s name and consequently suffer for the name of Christ. The voice of the Lord removed hesitation and inspired Ananias to go and look for Saul.

Christ started the work in the life of Saul; nobody shared the gospel to Saul. Christ himself revealed Himself to Saul but He involved Ananias in the follow-up ministry. Ananias did not play guessing game; he heard Christ’s instruction that inspired him to obey. Obedience is the result of hearing the instruction of the Lord very clearly.

When Christ involves believers in His works, His clear instruction inspires compliance. Christ did not command us to guess on what ministry He wants us to be involved with. The Lord knows that we need help and understanding of what we should do very specifically.


Many years ago, people would stockpile firewood to be used for cooking or heating. One summer, a father told his son to cut and chop firewood for rainy season.

The son asked his father, “Dad, how could I cut the huge trunk into small pieces?”

Perhaps, his father sensed laziness in him said, “Use your big head!”

The son was dismayed; the father wanted result but he did not guide his son.

From that time on he did things on his own; he never bothered to ask his father’s help.

That is a classic example on why many churches would rather imitate a successful ministry from other churches, especially from those mega churches. They might have thought that the Lord never bother to give them specific instructions. Many church leaders and pastors would try different ministries and evaluate and if it is effective, it should be the Lord’s will; if it’s not effective it might not be God’s will.

Does God give specific ministry we should be involved with individually and corporately?

The Lord gave specific instructions to Ananias to place his hands on Saul. Ananias heard it clearly what to do that was why he complied with the Lord’s instructions.

2. Comply

17 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Hearing a clear instruction from the Lord inspires obedience and removes hesitation. Ananias went, looked, and placed his hand on Saul and declares that Saul may see again.

Clear instructions from the Lord help us determine the unique ministry He prepared for us. The ministry given to Ananias was different from the ministry given to Philip. Philip was called to evangelize; Ananias was called to pray for the new convert, Saul.

It wasn’t clear who baptized Saul; it could be Ananias or some Christians in Damascus.

Two important things we can observe after the conversion of Saul: he was baptized and he was filled with the Holy Spirit.

18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, 19 and after taking some food, he regained his strength.

That was exactly what Christ told Ananias—to place his hand on Saul to restore his sight. Ananias could have argued, “Lord, I can pray for Saul even without going to where he is!” Ananias did according to the instruction of Christ and he saw God’s miracle through him.

The way Christ worked in the life of Saul was rather peculiar in nature. The Lord revealed Himself to Saul like a shining light that made him blind for 3 days. Then, after Ananias placed his hands on Saul, something like fish scales dropped from Saul’s eyes and he could see again.

There was no story in the Bible similar to what happened in the life of Saul. God has an unlimited and different ways of revealing Himself to humans. How a person is converted, it comes in a very unique and personal way to each individual. Like Ananias we need to clarify from the Lord very clearly what ministry we should take. If God speaks to us about participating in evangelism training or be trained to lead Bible studies, anytime God will use what we have learned or prepared for.

When we are in the ministry God has called us to be involved with, we experience fulfillment.

Sports Festival

Last Saturday, many, if not all, who came enjoyed our Sports Festival. Some enjoyed teaching the games, playing, watching, taking pictures, chatting, cooking, and eating but we all enjoyed fellowshipping with one another.

Some of those who came brought friends who were non-believers and the evangelism team used that opportunity to share the gospel.

Did the evangelism team plan with members to bring unbeliever friends?

When the Holy Spirit is at work in our life, may it be bringing or introducing friends to the evangelism team or just spending time with guests, it may be direct or indirect involvement in sharing the gospel, we will see the fruit of God’s works. God has situated you in places where He wants you to be used to share the good news.

Who is that person in your office, in your school that is like a magnet to you?

God might have brought that person to your attention because God wants to use you, your testimony to bring that person to Him.

Pray ask the Lord to reveal to you a specific and unique way of testifying to that person.

If you feel scared to share the gospel, it might be that God wants you to introduce that person to our evangelism team or to someone train in evangelism. Ananias did not evangelize Saul; he just prayed for the need of Saul to see again.

Ministry success in the first century was anchored with their dependence upon the leading of the Lord Jesus and their obedience in following His specific instructions.

Let’s keep asking the Lord to reveal to us the ministry He wants us to be involved with individually or corporately as a church.

Seek a peculiar, a unique ministry where you can personally see clearly the hands of the Lord working through you and in your life.

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