Whatever You Do

1 Corinthians 10:31-33 

31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.


When you graduated in high school, you may have been wondering which degree you may pursue in college. So, what advice will you give to high school graduates who are still confused of which career to consider? Have you yourself discovered the career you wish to excel and enjoy for the rest of your life?

You may have heard of an advice that says, “Follow your passion; improve your skill; become expert in your career!” The problem of following our passion is when we do not even know what our passion is. If we’re passionate of something we delightfully do productively without pressure how much salary we get, if we’re passionate of something we love and enjoy doing, will we find fulfillment with it?

Have you heard that activities you did when you’re younger has similarity to activities that you will desire to do when you become older adults? Children of farmers love to farm; it is similar to children of fishermen, carpenters, bakers, cooks or politicians. Even children who attended VBS participate in VBS. Right?

If you love travelling and visiting different places, you may invest in Travel Tour agency or become a pilot or stewardess. If you love to study the word of God, go to the seminary and become a seminary professor or pastor one day. Passion is not necessarily a livelihood to earn money; it can be your hobby also.

Wherever our career leads us, we have to be aware always that potential believers might be watching our priorities. There might be potential disciples who want to imitate our behavior. We should be prayerful and intentional to behave according to biblical norms. Together, let us reflect on Leviticus 11:44, 44 I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.

         That’s clear! God expects his children to be consecrated, set apart and holy in his eyes. And we claim to be children of our heavenly Father, the Lord God Almighty. This command to consecrate ourselves and be holy was originally given to the Israelites, but the first generation Israelites failed to obey.

Of course, we can never consecrate and be holy by ourselves alone with our limited human effort. We should rely upon the Holy Spirit to set us apart for God.

Someone may want to know if the Holy Spirit of God enables us to choose which career path, he wants us to excel. So, how do we know that we are taking the right path to a vocation or career that the Lord had designed for us to excel?

         Personally, how should you interpret and practical apply Proverbs 16:9?

9In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.

         We prayerfully ask God, “Lord, please put your plans in my heart and help me follow your will!”Then, if by faith we trust that God answered our prayer, we practically follow the plan that may come to our mind. The Holy Spirit produces in us joy, peace and confidence to decide and implement which step is right to him.

         Most often, the path that God would want us to take are simple. But doubt may sneak as distraction in our mind to hesitate. Prayerfully ask God to increase your faith and trust that the practical step you take is within his will. Every time you sense doubt and hesitate to take a step, prayerfully ask God for help.

         Pray for confirmation that practical steps you take will lead to the situation that God prepared for you. As we grow intimate in our relationship with the Lord, his Holy Spirit increases our joy and peace as confirmation that he is guiding us.

Eventually, hesitation will slowly fade away as confidence in God grows stronger. Let’s reflect in our faith in Christ. Have we been satisfied in our Christian life?

1.  Satisfy

31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 

         To do whatever we do, all for the glory of God, do you think this command is not exclusive to eating and drinking only but includes other activities as well?

At any social gathering, acquaintances may scrutinize our behavior as Christians. Even our choice of food can either cause someone to stumble or build them up.

Previously, Apostle Paul rhetorically declared that he had no hesitation of eating the food he thanked God for. But, he considered what others may think or believe also. He did not want anyone to be stumbled from his choice of food.

         Someone said, “If you want to win the heart of someone, give them food because the heart is very near to the stomach.” To win the heart of the one you love, you should invite her to a fantastic dinner. To get favor from their business partners, businessmen want would treat them to fabulous breakfast. And to get more dedicated supporters, politicians have to make sure that their political supporters are sufficiently supplied with delicious food during political rallies.


         One of the favorite activities in summer is backyard grilling. Anyone wants to enjoy grilled barbecue, hotdog and hamburger. Do you like grilled fish? Do you grill vegetables, asparagus, zucchini, tomato, pepper or corn, any suggestion?

A popular politician published online his picture grilling hotdog and beef patties, with sliced cheese on top of a raw beef patty. He captioned, “For the first time we’re having a barbeque with hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill!”

         Someone commented, “You put cheese on a raw patty! You are so bad at pretending to be normal human beings.” Another one added, “I get that you’re playing to the masses but literally no one puts cheese on a raw beef patty.”

         Controversial celebrities like politicians must have strong sense of humor to attract attentions from observers. Whether they have great performance or mediocre ideas, one way or another, someone will support them or oppose them.

         We may or may not intend to be popular figures but our behavior on how we practice Christian beliefs and doctrines attract curious individuals.

Potential believers watch what we eat. Potential disciples observe which behavior they may imitate from us. Whenever acquaintances are around us, we should behave carefully as Christians in whatever we do, eat or drink.

         What food should we eat to improve our relationship with the Lord? None!

Food cannot make us closer to the Lord. If we also eat or drink what others eat or drink, does it make us much better Christians in the eyes of God? If we refuse what other people eat or drink, does it make us less pleasant to the Lord?

         Together, let us reflect meditatively on what it says in Romans 14:17-18.

17For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval.

         To serve our Lord Jesus Christ in righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit, even observers may approve this biblical way of pleasing the Lord.

         We eat food for nourishment of our body, but we should be careful that no one could be offended by our choice of food. Not everyone can appreciate if we eat at a luxurious restaurant. Others may even assume that we could invite them to join the celebration. Still observers may feel envious. Some people may have limited understanding on how they may interpret publicities on social media.

         Surely, we cannot control how others may react but we have to prayerfully watch our own behavior and manners. We do not want anyone to stumble, right?

2.  Stumble

32Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 

         “Do not cause anyone to stumble” is godly command. If our behavior and manners cause anyone to stumble intentionally or accidentally, do we commit sin against God? Not everyone can appreciate our behavior. Whatever situation we are in, anyone could be offended by our behavior or choices. What can we do?

We should be conscious of our surrounding especially when we attend social gatherings where food is served. We have to be aware about the occasion when we are invited to attend. If we are invited to festivals dedicated to patrons, idols or deities, how should we behave that may not offend anybody?

We have to behave according to our biblical conviction, belief or doctrine. To attend or avoid festivals, prayerfully read the Scripture or ask church leaders what they may advice if you’re not sure which religious belief, doctrine to follow.

         Together, let us try to interpret and seriously reflect on Colossians 3:17.

17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

         Many situations and events challenge our religious beliefs, and not just invitations to festivals for idols. Attitude while working, studying, leisure visit at the park, at the mall, we should be conscious always that we are children of God.

 And we should behave according to our biblical beliefs and doctrines at all times.

         Many among us if not all of us are very active with online interest. Some of us have online job; others shop online; you could be active in your social media accounts or just visiting the social media accounts of your friends. And somehow, subscribers or followers may openly comment or not on what you publish online on your social media account. Who will meticulously examine what you publish?


         Observers could interpret what you may regularly publish as your priorities, choices or preferences. Publish what you cook regularly and your followers may interpret that you love to cook. Publish your catch when you went fishing, and they would ask where you catch fish, and they go there and catch fish. Publish flowers from your garden, and your followers may think that you enjoy gardening.

         Followers or subscribers can be affected by what you publish. If they are positively affected, they may also ask your permission for them to share what you published. Did you know that our worship service is live streamed? Did you know that you can watch again the video of our worship service from the social media account of our church? Did you know that you can share the video of our worship service to your group chats or to your social media account? Why or why not?

         Sharing online religious activities may offend your followers or subscribers.

We don’t control their reaction, but for sure, believers are encouraged to follow your example of sharing videos of worship service online. Does sharing online our worship service store up eternal treasure for ourselves? What do you think?

         Be prayerful of what you may decide to do. Together, let us meditatively reflect on what it declared about Pharisees in John 12:42-43, 42At the same time many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not openly acknowledge their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogue; 43for they loved human praise more than praise from God.        

         As children of God, we try to win the approval of God and should not be focused on trying to please people. We should be prayerful and be guided by his Holy Spirit, if we seriously serve to please our Lord Jesus Christ. Many Pharisees believed Christ silently; they did not want to offend Pharisaical friends. If we seek the good of others, intentionally pray that they may hear the gospel of Christ.

3.  Seek

33even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved.

         Apostle Paul was careful not to cause anyone to stumble by what he ate, drank or whatever he did. He wanted to please everyone in every possible way he could. The phrase, “seeking the good of many” suggests that even as we try to please everyone, we should accept that we just cannot please everybody.

Apostle Paul testified in Acts 20:23-24, 23In every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. 24However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

The Holy Spirit warned that in Jerusalem Apostle Paul will be persecuted. The disciples tried to persuade him not to go to Jerusalem, but he still went and endured persecution. Despite the possibility that anywhere he may encounter angry oppositions, Apostle Paul was always dependent on the Holy Spirit. He was persecuted for sharing the gospel of Christ. Jewish people rejected him.

He was focused on the many potential believers and disciples because he sensed joyful peace in his heart and the sufficiency of the grace of God on him.

If you are eager to participate in the ministry but you find no opportunity for ministry involvement, are you frustrated? Do you feel like you are persecuted? What could you do? Prayerfully ask God for direction or practical step to take.

Participate in existing ministry activities that may catch your attention, but be careful not to impress others or you could be disappointed. Frustration signals we depend on our effort. Whatever we do, pray for inspiration of the Holy Spirit! Joy and peace will be our sign that God directs our steps into the right ministry.


         The Lord instructed Gideon to save Israel from their oppressors. How did Gideon know that the Lord was talking to him? It narrated in Judges 6:14-17, 14The Lord turned to him and said, “Go in the strength you have and save Israel out of Midian’s hand. Am I not sending you?” 15“Pardon me, my lord,” Gideon replied, “but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.” 16The Lord answered, “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.” 17Gideon replied, “If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me.

         Gideon hesitated, why? He assumed that there were Israelites stronger than him who should lead the mission against international invasion. He asked for sign that he’s really chosen to lead Israel. The Lord promised to be with him.

         The Lord is still calling Christians he gifted with leadership. If you hesitate like Gideon and want to have concrete evidence that God is calling you, pray for increase of faith to trust that the Lord is with you. Pray for inspiration when you accept your responsibility and church obligation for ministry involvement.

         Ministry involvement helps us practice to be aware and behave as children of God. We focus on pleasing God and learn how to behave properly; we don’t try to impress others with private or public activities. As we realize that the Lord is guiding us to the right path of vocation he prepared for us to excel, we become more comfortable with, on how we behave as Christians wherever we go.

But first and foremost, we should prioritize God in whatever you do.

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