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Psalm 13:3

3Look on me and answer, Lord my God.  Give light to my eyes, or I will   sleep in death.            

On her birthday, her husband cooked delicious and scrumptious food. She appreciated and said, “You really are a great cook!” Her husband answered, “Well, What can I say? You are so smart to marry me.” Sweet talks and appreciation for each other had helped them live together for the longest time. And one observer asked them, “How do you resolve when you have misunderstanding? How do you express your anger to each other? What makes you angry with each other?” The wife said, “When I am angry, I keep quiet; I shut my mouth and don’t say anything, and my husband gets angry when I ignore him!”

 An angry person is susceptible to making unwise decision. Do you think that when God is angry, he is silent? Someone confessed, “When I was new in faith, I was very active in the ministry. It seems like I heard the voice of God very clear back then. Then I became lukewarm in my faith, and I have not heard the voice of God like the way I heard him when I was new in faith. Was God angry with me?”

Have you ever felt as if God is quiet? Did you ever think as if God ignores your prayers? Without God, life has no eternal purpose. Anyone who rejects the Lord will face eternal death. But King David felt like he will sleep in death when he cannot hear the voice of God. The dead cannot do anything, and to sleep in death cannot praise and worship the Lord. Have you found out that praise and worship of God is incomparable experience for believers? To explore on temporal gratification is natural human instinct.

Lord Jesus, bless me to praise you always.

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