…><(((‘>  * Caught *  <’)))><...

Psalm 10:2

2In his arrogance the wicked man   hunts down the weak, who are   caught in the schemes he devises.

Imagine a loud audience talking and enjoying by themselves as they wait for a basketball game to start. They are taking videos and still photos of their favorite players. The players are warming up, stretching, shooting or dribbling basketball. Then the announcer signaled everyone to stand up for the National Anthem to be played. Few moments went by, there was deafening silence. The rattled technician who operates the sound system is confused. The sound system failed for whatever reason. Everyone was caught by surprise; then suddenly, a man from the bleacher belted out the National Anthem in a booming breathtaking voice. Everyone gladly appreciated it. If they intentionally schemed for the sound system to fail, it was not told if they were caught. But the Dad, who belted out the National Anthem, must have been pleased to be appreciated; his voice shined brightly at that moment.

It declares in Daniel 12:3, 3Those who are wise will shine like brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

Like magnet, anything good attracts bad elements. We want solace, tranquility and peace, others scheme distraction. We want progress, others scheme destruction. With godly wisdom we chose to gratefully praise God in spite of polarizing circumstances. We behave in godly righteousness and inspire others to follow the Lord by his grace. We seek empowerment of the Holy Spirit and testify on how Christ transformed our life. God has prepared potential believers or disciples. Peace of God that surpasses knowledge practically confirms that he situates us where we can testify and make disciples. By faith in Christ, we hope to shine brightly like stars for all eternity.

Lord Jesus, inspire me to make disciples.

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